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La mongolfiera
Debora01 January 20241 min read

Personalized greeting card for hot air balloon enthusiasts

The Hot Air Balloon

A personalised greeting card for a group of hot-air balloon and airship enthusiasts. 

A drawing of a hot air balloon made for a greeting card


A personalised greeting card

There is nothing more beautiful than receiving a nice handwritten card for one's birthday, with a beautiful signature made in one's own hand, especially in this digital age. They are heart-warming wishes. They bring fantastic smiles to the face.

A group of flying enthusiasts who are in the habit of sending a birthday card to each of their members on their birthday decided to rely on me this year.  


Hot air balloon design made for personalized greeting card

Preliminary sketches to decide on the design for the card

Drawing made with ink on watercolor paper


Finding the right idea

The client in this case left me ample room for manoeuvre: the only condition was the subject, which had to be a hot-air balloon or other hot-air vehicle.

After doing a bit of visual research and filling several pages with quick sketches, I selected the ideas that I thought were most valid and submitted them to the client for selection. 

The variant selected was the one where I took the most freedom, where the hot air balloon flies among the fish (or do the fish swim around the hot air balloon? Matter of opinion!).

I love mixing the world of the air with the marine world, thus creating a fantastic and absurd environment, with that hint of madness that brings joy. 


Adding colour with watercolour

The funniest part is watercolour: it is a technique I love because it is not very predictable. In this case I tried to accentuate the movement, with wavy horizontal lines.

To the fish I added vertical lines, which always remind me of many little pyjamas. Finally, to the original drawing which I then framed, I added touches with bright watercolour. 



Debora has a degree in Visual Communication and works as a UX Designer. Raised as a self-taught artist, she has always made drawing her most enjoyable pastime, giving birth to the collection of "iCosini." Completing her great passions are glider flying and mountains.


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